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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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Essays >> Rejuvenation II >> page 10
Eyelid surgery instructions

The first night after surgery

A washcloth dipped in a bowl of ice water will be wrung out and placed over your eyes. The cold cloths are extremely valuable in reducing swelling and bruising from the operation. Changing this cloth every ten to fifteen minutes all night long is the job of your sitter. Do not use ice in a plastic bag; it's too heavy.

Upper eyelid surgery.

The morning after surgery

In the morning, your incisions will be cleaned at the office, and Dr. Denenberg will examine you. You will be instructed on how to care for your eyes until your next visit, one week after surgery.

Care of your eyes after surgery

If your upper eyelids were operated on, there will be incisions for you to clean (lower eyelid surgery is usually done without external incisions).  Clean your incisions a few times every day by gently rolling a Q-tip saturated in hydrogen peroxide along the stitches.

If a small ooze of blood occurs from the incision line during cleaning, simply take a dry Q-tip and press gently on the oozing spot for a few minutes. The light pressure will control the bleeding, and you may continue with the peroxide.

It is okay to get the suture lines wet while washing or bathing. When you wash your eye areas, use a mild soap on cotton balls or a makeup sponge. Be gentle; don't be so rough that you move the upper or lower eyelid skin back and forth.

You do not need to have someone stay awake to tend to your iced washcloths after the first night.  The washcloths have less effect in minimizing swelling and bruising after the first night, so continue to use them if they are comfortable, but don't feel that you must continue to use them.

The fat protrusions in his lower eyelids were removed with a lower eyelid blepharoplasty.  The incision is completely hidden, with no scar in the skin.

You should now be starting to realize that the work of achieving the best possible result does not stop when you leave the operating room. Care of your eyes in the weeks following surgery can be time-consuming, but attentive care after surgery is just as important as the operation itself.

Consider yourself part of the surgical team. Dr. Denenberg will take responsibility for performing the operation well and guiding you through the healing period. You must take responsibility for following all of the postoperative instructions accurately and faithfully.

Dr. Denenberg will see you again in the office one week after surgery. If you have stitches, they will be removed at that time.

The upper eyelid scars will be a little raised, lumpy, and firm at first, especially in the crow's feet close to the outer corner of your eye, where the skin is thicker. The scars will soften, flatten out, and pale to a thin white line. You may expect rapid improvement over the first three weeks, but complete maturation of the scars may take six months to a year.

Clear all red checks in the Essays

All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg