• Essays
wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rejuvenation II >> page 5

Your face will swell after surgery as your body brings extra fluid into the region to aid healing. Don't be surprised when the swelling increases during the first two or three days after surgery. The swelling usually peaks at that time and then begins to diminish. Remember, swelling is a normal reaction of your tissues to surgery.

The swelling will be most prominent and lumpy in front of your ears and will give your face a round shape. Your earlobes will also be swollen and they may appear to protrude. Your face will look strange at first, and you may not recognize yourself. Be patient and follow the instructions in this book. Most of the swelling will be gone by the end of the first week, eighty percent by the end of the second week.

The swelling will migrate somewhat before it leaves entirely. You may notice swelling under your eyes even if eyelid surgery was not performed. The swelling also frequently moves down to the jaw line and underneath the chin before subsiding.

Gravity helps dissipate the swelling, so sleep with your head elevated for the first week or two. Place a couple of pillows or a folded blanket under the head of your mattress. You may notice that the swelling is more visible when you get up in the morning. During the day be up in a chair to read or watch television, or sit well up in bed. Of course, rest when you are tired.

Face lift and skin peel.


A bruise is simply a tiny amount of blood spilled under the skin. You may bruise around your face and neck after the operation. Just like a bruise anywhere else on the body, bruising from your face lift will spread, change color, fade, and finally disappear in ten to fourteen days. It is a normal consequence of the operation and not a cause for concern.

Do not worry if the swelling or bruising or both is more pronounced on one side of your face than the other. Only very rarely is the amount of bruising or swelling the same on both sides. The differences will resolve as the swelling diminishes. The face lift operation typically will not correct the natural asymmetries of your face.

You may use makeup to help disguise the bruising starting one week after your operation. Use a makeup that is easy to remove, and do not place it directly over the incision lines until two weeks after surgery. Be gentle removing the makeup.

Wait several weeks before using cosmetics that require harder rubbing to apply.

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All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg