• Essays
wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rejuvenation II >> page 9
Hair care

Do not use hair spray, creams, or rinses for one week. If you have your hair washed in a salon, be careful leaning back into the sink so you don't put pressure where the metal clips were placed. Have your hair dried with a hand-held dryer on a medium or cool setting. Do not use a salon-type hair dryer and do not have a permanent or color or tint your hair for six weeks after surgery. Also, don't use rollers or curling irons near the incision lines for six weeks after surgery. The hair adjacent to the incision lines may be a little fragile, so be gentle when attacking it with a comb or brush. If you wear a wig, make sure it does not rub on any of the incision lines.

The drooping skin under this woman's chin was tightened.  Note that we can see her jaw line better, from the chin back along the jaw. In the before picture, her jaw line is obscured by the drooping skin.

Alcohol and smoking

Avoid alcohol for three or four days after surgery. Do not drink if you are taking the Valium or the prescription pain pills.

Smoking is hard on the face after surgery, so you should delay starting up again as long as you reasonably can.  Smoking is not good for your face, it's not good for your lungs, and it's not good for your heart. Plan on quitting.


You may experience a brief rise in temperature and some chills for a day or two after surgery. Your temperature should not rise much above 100 degrees. Call the office if you develop a sustained fever, drainage from the incision lines, or a markedly tender, reddened area of skin.

Any problems or questions?

Reread this section on the care of your face lift and your questions will almost certainly be answered. If not, call during office hours for routine questions or anytime for more urgent problems.

Clear all red checks in the Essays

All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg