• Essays
wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rhinoplasty II >> page 11
Wearing eyeglasses

When you are wearing the nasal splint, the splint will protect your nose from your eyeglasses.  So you may put your eyeglasses right on the splint.  After the splint is removed, eyeglasses usually rest on the nose in a location where they won't hurt your new nose at all.  Dr. Denenberg will want to see your glasses when you come in to have your splint removed, so that he can confirm that they won't cause a problem.

Contact lenses may be inserted the morning following surgery.


You may drive as soon as your postoperative fatigue subsides, usually within about a day or two after surgery. Do not drive if you are taking the prescription pain medicine or the Valium, or if you feel the surgical sedatives haven't completely worn off yet, or if you feel the swelling is interfering with your vision.

Alcohol and smoking

Avoid alcohol for two or three days after surgery. Do not drink if you are taking the Valium or the prescription pain pills.

If you smoke, you should minimize your smoking during the week after surgery. Smoking is not good for your nose, it's not good for your lungs, and it's not good for your heart. Plan on quitting.

Clear all red checks in the Essays

All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg