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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rhinoplasty II >> page 6

Every surgical procedure is accompanied by postoperative swelling. You'll be swollen the morning after surgery, and the tissues usually continue to swell until the second or third day after surgery. Swelling is a normal reaction of your body to promote healing after the operation. The swelling will be most noticeable above the splint, between your eyes. By the end of the first week, most of the swelling will be gone, and most patients feel comfortable going out in public at that time.

The swelling and bruising will usually be subsided enough at the end of one week that you can go right from the appointment where your splint is removed, to the grocery store, and you won't be stared at, much. When your splint is removed, you and Dr. Denenberg will be able to tell where the rest of the swelling is, but many other people won't be able to see it.

Most of the remainder of the swelling will disappear in the following several weeks, but the last five percent may linger until as long as one year after the operation. You may notice subtle improvements in the appearance of your nose long after surgery. Patients with thick, oily skin will swell more and will hold onto their swelling longer than patients with thin skin.

You can minimize the swelling and speed its resolution by sleeping with your head elevated during the first week after surgery. Place a couple of pillows or a folded blanket under your mattress at the head of your bed. You may notice that the swelling is more noticeable when you awaken in the morning, and it subsides when you are up and about, as gravity pulls the swelling out of your face.

The iced washcloths are a great help the first night of surgery.  After the first night they have less effect in minimizing the swelling, so continue to use them if they are comfortable, but don't feel that you must use them after the first night.


A bruise is simply a tiny amount of blood spilled under the skin. You may bruise under your eyes after surgery. The iced washcloths through the first night will help minimize your bruising. Just like a bruise anywhere else on the body, bruising from nasal surgery will spread, change color, fade, and finally disappear. In most people it is almost gone at the end of one week, and completely gone in ten to fourteen days. It is a normal consequence of the operation and not a cause for concern. You may disguise the discoloration with makeup if you wish.

Do not worry if the swelling or bruising is more pronounced around one eye than the other. Only rarely is the amount of bruising or swelling exactly the same on both sides. The differences will resolve as the swelling and bruising diminish.

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All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg