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wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rhinoplasty II >> page 2

You will be given several prescriptions to fill before surgery.

Take the vitamins twice a day starting one week before surgery. Take them until they are gone.

Take one or two Valium the night before surgery and one or two more upon rising. A comfortable, relaxed night's sleep before surgery is your best preparation for the surgery itself. If you have difficulty falling asleep the first few nights after surgery, you may take one Valium at bedtime until they are gone.

You will be given a prescription pain medicine. Most people find that there is minimal discomfort from the operation and just leave the bottle on the shelf. But don't be a martyr. If you hurt, take the medicine. For minor pain you may take Tylenol, which will not cause drowsiness or light-headedness. Remember to use no aspirin or aspirin-containing products until two weeks after surgery, and to check the labels of all medicines you take to see if they contain aspirin.

The antibiotic is used to help prevent infection. Take it as prescribed beginning the morning of surgery. You need not refill this prescription.

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All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg