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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rhinoplasty II >> page 7

The amount of discomfort from a rhinoplasty is surprisingly small. You will be given a prescription for a pain reliever to use in case you do experience discomfort. Use Tylenol or the iced washcloths for minor pain. Remember, aspirin can increase bruising and the tendency to bleed.  No aspirin or aspirin-containing products should be used until two weeks after surgery.

Swelling, bruising and some discomfort are inescapable consequences of any surgical procedure.  You must be willing to accept their minor inconveniences in order to obtain the more lasting benefits of the operation.


Your nose will be swollen and bandaged. It may be bruised. You may be weak for a couple of days after the surgical sedatives wear off.  You probably aren't used to sleeping on your back with your head elevated. You will not be able to exercise, and your daily routine will be disrupted.

Considering all of these factors, a brief period of depression after a rhinoplasty is completely normal. Because a rhinoplasty is a totally elective operation, unlike an appendectomy, we tend to forget that it is a real surgical procedure and not as easy as having a haircut.

These temporary setbacks, however, are a necessary part of obtaining the lasting benefits of your operation. Going through surgery is stressful, even if the changes made were greatly desired. Just remember that the depression is normal and will resolve quickly.  Find a good book to read, watch television, or find some other way to distract yourself. The depression will pass quickly.

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All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg