face lift FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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This is an excellent result in the neck from a face lift.  Sorry about all the hair in the pictures.  She has skin that is thicker and heavier than average, and I tell my patients that the results you see here are unrealistically good.  By chance, the occasional patient's skin and facial structure respond superbly to the face lift operation.

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Questioner: Is my Nose Way Too Big? Should I Consider Rhinoplasty?
I've always hated my nose. I've never seen another person with a similar nose as mine. I feel its way too big. Should I consider a rhinoplasty :\?
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: A wide nose like yours can usually be improved with a rhinoplasty.
From this one photo at least, it does appear that you would be a good candidate for a rhinoplasty. You seem to have strong cartilages that make your nose perhaps wider than average. Your nasal bones, in the upper half of your nose, are also wide apart, and could be brought closer together during the operation. I don’t see a profile view, but it also seems that your nose is long, from where it starts between your eyes down to your tip, and perhaps your profile view could be improved by elevating the tip of the nose at the same time as making the other changes.

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