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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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Her jowling and excess skin in the front of the neck was advanced enough to warrant a face lift operation.  She also had a brow lifting procedure.  Gravity pulls on everything.  Everything.  And the brows don't escape.  It's natural for them to drop in position over time, although of course the amount they drop and at what age they drop mostly depends on heredity.

The brow lift can be an excellent adjunct to the face lift operation.

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"...I felt instinctively that he was the one. "
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Questioner: What Are my Chances to Get a Worse Nose After Rhinoplasty?
I mean I dont have any trouble with my nose from front, but I want to get rid of the hump from profile and get the nose up a little bit so it does not get to fall down at the tip .. but I dont want to mess the front view, are there chances I get worse at all ? I mean yes I understand it depends on who perform the operation I know .. and is rhinoplasty get to shorten the nose a little bit ? thx very much
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: In skilled hands, the chances of a worse nose for you are very low.
The changes that you want for your nose, removing the hump and raising the tip a small amount, are two of the most predictable changes to make in a rhinoplasty. Click on the "Web reference" link to see a morph of your nose, showing those changes. I happen to agree with your assessment of your nose: don't change the front, remove the hump, very conservative on raising the tip.

The rhinoplasty operation is still difficult, so you still need a skilled surgeon, and you have to review his before and after photos to get proof of his skill, but yours is not the kind of nose that should be left alone because of a high risk of problems. If you want those changes, it's reasonable to proceed.

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