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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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ear surgery
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Young children often are teased about protruding ears, so the parents sometimes want to have the situation corrected as early as possible.  Once the child is five years old, he can have the otoplasty procedure.

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Next: an example of the solid advice Dr. Denenberg gives patients on RealSelf.com.
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Questioner: Do I need a revision rhinoplasty?
I like everything about my new nose but the tip. Im 20 months post op and I'm not thrilled about the tip. It's very round and sort of droopy. Especially in pictures. At my last follow up, my doctor acknowledged that the skin underneath the nose was a little loose but even with the new procedure, there's a chance it'll still look the same way it does now. He claims there's no way to get rid of the skin. Thoughts?
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: It doesn't look like loose skin to me.
I have to say, I've never seen a case where drooping at the bottom of the nose there is loose skin hanging down. It's either cartilage or scar tissue.

This far after surgery, if the nose is still too big, you're looking at a revision. There are a couple of pieces of good news for you, though. It appears, from these photos, that the size is the result of strong cartilages under the skin, and a revision where reduction in size is the goal is more predictable than some other changes we try to make.

I would try to elevate the entire tip of your nose -- that's key -- narrow the tip, bring the whole nose back closer to the face, lower the bridge to match the new position of the tip.

Link to this question on RealSelf.com