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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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ear surgery
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Everyone has a different feel for what constitutes protruding ears.  These ears weren't bad, they did contain the normal folds of cartilage, but the upper part of the ears were too projecting for the way she wore her hair and the way she saw herself.  Fine.  As long as the operation can be accomplished safely, meeting the patient's goals, it's okay to proceed.

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Next: an example of the solid advice Dr. Denenberg gives patients on RealSelf.com.
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Questioner: Am I a candidate for a Tiplasty?
My nose is currently in the pic above i would like it to look like the picture below it....what would require to be achieved? From research i have done i would think it would be a tip rotation and trim....if so...does this procedure require anethesea /would it be cheaper??? Thanks :)
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: I think you're right: upward rotation of the tip is the goal
When you are looking for a surgeon, be sure to see before and after photos of patients who have had a successful and substantial upward rotation of the tip. Many of the revision operations that I perform are on patients who needed rotation but didn't get it in their first operation. It's a change that every plastic surgeon cannot accomplish.

Link to this question on RealSelf.com