• Essays
wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rejuvenation II >> page 14
Protect your eyes

Have someone assist you with walking and bathing until the surgical sedatives have worn off completely. Remember that the pain pills and sleeping pills can make you light-headed.

When you're in the shower, don't let the water strike your eyelids directly, although it's fine for the soap and water to run over your eyes when you are shampooing your hair.

Avoid picking up small children who may strike you unexpectedly.

Sleep on your back for two weeks after surgery, and sleep alone to avoid the risk of your partner bumping into your face during sleep. You should also abstain from sex for two weeks, because sex is exercise; it increases the blood pressure to your face.

What if I do get hit or bumped in the face?

Look in the mirror. If everything looks unchanged, it is very unlikely that any damage has been done. If the area starts to swell, or if there is bleeding from the incision line in that region, put mild pressure over the area with an iced washcloth, get to bed with your head elevated, and call Dr. Denenberg's office.

Limit your activities

Avoid all exercise for the first two weeks after surgery, and strenuous exercise or weightlifting for three weeks.

Work back into your regular exercise routine slowly. Joggers may walk briskly after about two weeks and jog after three weeks. Too much exercise too early can raise your blood pressure and cause bleeding.

Upper eyelid surgery.

Things to avoid

Avoid bending over, lifting heavy objects, or heavy housework because such activities increase the blood pressure to your face and may start bleeding. If you are prone to constipation, you may begin taking a stool softener a couple of days before surgery.

Wear shirts or sweaters that fasten in front or in back and do not need to be pulled tightly over your head for the first week.

The sun prolongs the time that your scars remain pink and works against the healing of the skin. Normal everyday sun exposure is not harmful, but you should avoid prolonged exposures for about four weeks after surgery. Wear a hat and a powerful sun block. Remember that sun rays passed through clouds or reflected off of water, snow, or sand can still give a significant exposure.

Clear all red checks in the Essays

All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg