• Essays
wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rejuvenation II >> page 6

There is surprisingly little discomfort after a face lift. Frequently patients report some itching and numbness along the incision lines during the early part of the healing process. In the first week or two after the operation, your face may feel tight, especially in front of your ears. Dr. Denenberg removes as much excess skin as he safely can, and your face will feel tight until the tissues readjust.

You will be given a prescription for a pain reliever to use in case you do experience discomfort. Use plain Tylenol for minor pain. Remember, aspirin can increase bruising and the tendency to bleed. No aspirin or aspirin-containing products should be used until two weeks after surgery.

Swelling, bruising and some discomfort are inescapable consequences of any surgical procedure. You must be willing to accept their minor inconveniences in order to obtain the more lasting benefits of the operation.

A face lift can tighten the angle underneath the chin.

Your one-week visit

Dr. Denenberg will see you one week after surgery, and your sutures and clips will be removed. Most, but not all, of the swelling will have subsided by then, so your face will still be a little round. Dr. Denenberg will show you what to expect as the swelling continues to subside in the coming week.


Some areas of your scalp, ears, and face may be numb or tingly after surgery, especially the cheeks just in front of the ears. The numbness is expected and usually subsides after several months.


Men may shave lightly with electric or safety razors starting two days after surgery. Don't use a safety razor on top of the stitches in front of your ears.  Dr. Denenberg likes to remove those himself.

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All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg