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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Essays >> Rejuvenation II >> page 16
Skin peel instructions

Before surgery

Be sure to let us know if you have a history of fever blisters. Sometimes the peel can stimulate an outbreak of fever blisters in susceptible persons, and we can prescribe a medicine for you to take, starting before surgery, which will greatly lessen the likelihood of the fever blisters erupting as a result of the peel.

Birth control pills and female hormone medications can prolong the period of redness after the peel and increase the likelihood of pigment changes in the peeled areas. Dr. Denenberg recommends discontinuing these medicines for two weeks before and one month after your peel.

Skin peel.

The first night after surgery

The peeled areas can ache like a sunburn for the first evening.  Most people report that the ache subsides late that first night.  If the peeled areas ache, you may supplement your pain medicine by coating the peeled areas with the Bacitracin ointment, and by wringing out a washcloth in a bowl of ice water and laying it over the peeled areas. Dip and wring out the washcloth every ten to fifteen minutes to keep it cool.

Also, if your only operation was a skin peel, you may take aspirin to help with the ache.

Clear all red checks in the Essays

All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg