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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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The main pull of the face lift is up and back along the lower edge of the jaw, improving the jowls and the skin under the chin and in front of the neck.  This woman was an excellent candidate for the operation because those were the exact areas where she showed her excess skin.

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Questioner: Rhinoplasty and Chin Implant.
Hello, I'm looking to get a professional opinion. I was often made fun of about the size of my nose in elementary school, which has since affected my confidence. Also, I feel my jawline is not very defined. Would a chin implant help with that? I very much appreciate any input/feedback I can get. Thank you very much!!
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: Your nose does have features that can be changed
Most of what I see involves the lower part of your nose: The tip cartilages are thick and strong and widely positioned, which makes your tip look wide from the front. It also make the nose project strongly forward away from your face, and it holds the tip in a low position, so the nose is long from top to bottom.

Expert work on the tip of your nose can elevate the tip, bring it back closer to your face, and narrow the tip, making you more comfortable with your nose.

You have a little bit of a weak chin, but I think your jawline definition is great. A small chin implant could balance your nose: when the chin is weaker the nose looks larger, so augmenting the chin can make the results of the nose surgery look better.

But alternatively, if your nose were made smaller, you chin wouldn't look quite so weak. To me, it's a close call whether you need a chin implant.

See the Web reference and attached video for examples of the kind of change you could benefit from. Realize that work on the tip of the nose always involves advanced techniques, and most plastic surgeons are not capable of making the changes, so you always must see a doctor's before and after photos.

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