• Rhinoplasty
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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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Rhinoplasty -- reconstruction Table of Contents:

These noses required reconstruction, most of them after an injury to the nose.

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Questioner: Am I a Good Candidate for These Rhinoplasty Procedures?
I would like to get cosmetic surgery to reduce my dorsal hump and possible Radix reduction. Would I be a good candidate for these procedures? Would I require additional refinements other than what I mentioned? Is closed Rhinoplasty an option? I am unhappy with the bump, and height of my nose. It is also very wide and causes difficulties when I want to wear glasses.
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: Radix reduction is important in your nose
If the hump is removed, the radix must be taken down as well, or you nose would look too long, like a Roman statue's nose. Also, raising the tip would help, as well as bringing the entire nose back, closer to your face. See the link to see what these changes could do for your nose.

Link to this question on RealSelf.com