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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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The upper eyelid blepharoplasty is the easiest operation to heal from of all the major facial procedures.  Most people wear a pair of sunglasses and go about their business (except for exercise, of course) during the week after surgery.  The swelling and bruising are typically minor, and don't hold people back.

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current: Left oblique

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Questioner: Is there any way I can straighten my nose bridge?
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: Yes, a rhinoplasty can straighten your nose bridge ...
... but for a couple of reasons you need to pay attention to other features of your nose when planning your rhinoplasty and getting an agreement from your surgeon that he will and can make the additional changes.

Look at the video link below, where I made a simulation of a proposed rhinoplasty on your nose. I removed the bump, straightening the bridge of you nose. However, when you remove a bump, it usually makes the nose *appear* longer than it was, so it's important to raise the tip a small amount, so the nose doesn't look too long after surgery.

Then, your nose is a little strong *above* the bump, at the level of the black arrow, so that area needs to be reduced as well, or your nose might get a bit of an impression of a "Roman" statue nose, where your profile slides from your forehead down onto the nose without the little dip at the top of the nose, just below the eyebrows, which dip we usually think is an attractive feature. In the animation, you'll see how in the "after" picture, I reduced the nose *above* the bump, by the arrow.

Reducing the top of the nose like that, and elevating the tip, are changes that not every plastic surgeon can create, so you must see before and after photos, and see whether you think you are communicating with perfect accuracy when you visit your surgeon.

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