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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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The lower lid bulges were minor, but they do tend to cast a shadow underneath themselves, drawing attention.

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Questioner: Rhinoplasty for bulbous very round nose?
I am a 20 year old white female. My nose is very very round/boulbous. The bridge is fairly straight, but the tip throws it off. I think my skin is pretty thick, (i know that can be an issue with rhinoplasty) but how do I know if it is thick? Would I just need a tip rhinoplasty or a full one? What should I expect? I am also haveing a hard time finding a before and after of a white female with a nose as boulbous as mine, so if you could send me one that would help.
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: Perhaps work on more than just the width of the tip
I see the width of the tip, and indeed it's possible to improve your nasal tip (see the Web link below). My suggestion would be to make a couple other changes at the same time, such as elevating the tip a small amount and taking down the small bump along the bridge of your nose. The video link below shows a simulation of those changes.

Be careful to see the before and after photos of any doctor you are considering for this operation. Work on a tip like yours is extremely difficult, and most plastic surgeons wouldn't be able to handle it expertly. Before and after profile pictures where a hump was removed don't tell you if the surgeon can work on the tip of the nose.

Link to this question on RealSelf.com