wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Face lift tutorial >> Skin excision >> page 2
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I've been working behind the ear on this patient.  In the diagram, the top half of the ear is pink, poking out from underneath the skin flap.  The blue line on the diagram shows you where I have already removed some excess skin.  Staples were used to close the incision in that area.  We use stainless steel surgical staples instead of stitches to close wounds in the hair or adjacent to the hair, because the staples work great, and trying to tie stitches in a location where the hair is getting in the way can be difficult.

The skin tinted yellow in the diagram still needs to be excised along the blue dashed line to complete the closure of the wound behind the ear.

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Here is what the staples look like up close.  These staples are being placed around the sideburn.  Staples are placed with a surgical staple gun, like the one pictured below, and they are removed with a clever little device that backs the staples out the way they went in, so the skin isn't torn.  I know, you're picturing a staple remover for an office paper stapler, the kind that rips the paper apart whenever you try to use it.  The staple remover we have works much better.

Clear all red checks in the Face Lift Tutorial

All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg