wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

The Nasion

In this chapter we will be discussing a part of the nasal anatomy call the "nasion," pronounced NAY-zee-ahn.  We will explore what the nasion is, why it is important, and how changing the position of the nasion can alter the apparent length of the nose.

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The woman above had an over-projecting tip that was brought closer to her face, she had a slightly low nasolabial angle that was elevated, and she had a hump taken down.  But there is more: her nasion was lowered.

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The nasion is the place where the forehead meets the nose.  I have circled that region in the photograph above left.  The exact position of the nasion is at the red arrow in the photo above right.

In this oblique view of the skull, the nasion is at the location of the red arrow.  I have shaded the right nasal bone green.  The blue line shows the junction between the nasal bone and the bone of the forehead.  The forehead bone is called the "frontal bone" in doctorspeak.

(Use the page links, immediately below this paragraph, to navigate through the pages of this chapter.)

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Clear all red checks in the Rhinoplasty Tutorial

All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg