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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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The main feature I tried to correct in her nose was its length, but a couple other items demanded attention during surgery.  She had a hump, and the tip cartilages were wide, causing the tip to be too prominent.

In the before photo, you see a dent between the tip cartilages right at the tip of the nose.  The tip was narrowed and elevated, shortening the apparent length of her nose.

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current: Left oblique

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Questioner: Rhinoplasty gone wrong? Nostrils not even
Help, I had surgery on the 18th of May. Right away I noticed my nostrils were not even. When I went back to my doc the following day after surgury and addressed this with him he said my nostrils were probably uneven before the surgery, which is not the case. What should I do? What do you think ? I am panicking because it is now the 20th and although I know my nose is still swollen I don't believe my nostrils will change. What do you think?
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: Go back to your doctor again.
Asymmetric swelling can cause visible asymmetries that go away if it's truly only the swelling that's asymmetric.

But you're only a couple days after surgery! Your doctor is the one who knows what happened during surgery, and you're kind of stuck with him for support right now. Call him again for another evaluation/pep talk.

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