wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Should you let your primary rhinoplasty surgeon perform your revision?

Rhinoplasty is by far the most difficult of the facial plastic surgery operations. And revision rhinoplasty is ten times more difficult than a first-time operation.

First, you need to consider whether things didn't turn out great on your first operation because of some unusual circumstance with the surgery or the healing, or whether things went wrong because your doctor was not expert in rhinoplasty in the first place.

Evaluate your surgeon again. Read this page on how to evaluate a surgeon for a rhinoplasty:
How to tell if you got a good rhinoplasty consultation.

If you saw lots of before and after photos of your surgeon's other patients who got excellent results, in noses at least somewhat similar to yours, then your surgeon probably knows what he is doing, and you can consider letting him perform your revision. Even the very best surgeon has the occasional disappointing result.

However, if, on looking back, you decide that you did not do excellent research on your original surgeon -- perhaps you relied on a referral, or on his board certification, without being able to see his photos -- then you probably should not have him perform the revision. If he couldn't get you close to your goal the first time because of a lack of skill or judgment, he will have no chance at all on the second try, and then you'll be in the tough position of looking for a third operation.