wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

The Surgery Tutorials

FacialSurgery.com's tutorials show you how the major facial plastic surgery operations are performed.  The step-by-step presentations are illustrated with over one thousand photographs taken during surgery.  These intra-operative photos aren't for everybody, but most people find the presentation fascinating.

Click on one of the three operations below.  You will also find the three operations towards the top of the navigation bar at left, under "See the Surgery."

Each of these three operations is a book, whose chapters you will see when you click on the link.  The chapters don't have to be read in order, but it helps.

If you join our mailing list, we'll be able to let you know as new tutorials are added.

If you are squeamish about seeing the intra-operative photos, we have a feature that might work for you: image cloaking.  With image cloaking enabled, when you read the tutorials, any graphic photograph will be blanked out so you can't see it.  You can display a "cloaked" photo simply by clicking on it, and then clicking again to turn the photo off if you decide against having it displayed.  A checkbox that allows you to turn the image cloaking option on or off appears at the bottom of every tutorial page.  The checkbox looks like this:

If you think you'll probably be able to handle the photos, don't bother with cloaking.  Most people do just fine.  More on image cloaking can be found here.