• 2. Face Lift
wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Face lift tutorial

This tutorial describes the face lift operation with explicit photographs of what happens during surgery.

The list below, repeated in the navigation bar at left, tells you what each chapter in the face lift tutorial discusses. Click on a chapter title to get started.

(If you are looking for before and after face lift pictures, go to the face lift before and after section.)

Initial incisionsIntroduction to the face lift: incision planning, opening incisions, and initial dissection

PlicationIntermediate steps in the face lift: pulling up the deep tissues

Skin excisionRemoving the excess skin, closing the wounds

Scar pitfallsProblems that can arise if the incision placement isn't planned carefully

Pre-jowl implantThe pre-jowl implant, which can help make a younger-appearing jaw line

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it means that you have already read that chapter.

Three things you should know about the little red checks:

  • Your computer assumes you have completed the chapter if you have looked at the chapter's last page.

  • A link at the bottom of every tutorial page allows you to erase all the red checks and start over if you wish.

  • Your browser must accept cookies in order for the red checks to work.


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