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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Rhinoplasty tutorial >> The nasion >> page 7
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The bone, when it is chiseled off, usually comes out in a delicate curved slice, as we see above.  Similar to removing a bony hump, we don't want to over-correct, taking too much out in the first pass, so I like to remove the excess nasion bone in smaller pieces, repeating the cut until the nose looks right.

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However, when the nasion is quite prominent, and I know a great deal will have to be removed, I'll take a large chunk in each pass of the chisel.  Above, we see two huge pieces of radix removed from a patient's nose.

If a large piece of radix needs to be removed, it can be taken in multiple, more delicate passes of the osteotome.  The photograph above shows radix bone that was removed in multiple smaller pieces, all from one nose.  The top scale on the ruler is inches, the bottom centimeters.

The pieces of nasion bone shown above left and right were also taken in multiple thin shavings of the nasion, using the radix chisel.

In the following chapter, Odd Tip Cartilages, we'll go back to the tip of the nose.  The lower lateral cartilages give the tip its shape, and we'll explore some of the wild variations in size and shape that those cartilages can take.

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Clear all red checks in the Rhinoplasty Tutorial

All surgery depicted in this essay, except where noted, was performed by Dr. Denenberg