• Rhinoplasty
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Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
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A hump like this draws your attention when you look at her face, keeping you from seeing her other attractive features.  In the after picture, the nose blends in much better with her other facial features.

When you take a large hump off of a nose, it  can make the nose look longer, even if nothing was done to change the nasal length.  For that reason, it's important to make a small elevation of the position of the tip when removing a large hump.

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current: Right oblique

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Questioner: I Am Considering Having Rhinoplasty. However I Am Unsure As to What Results I Can Expect?
I am considering having rhinoplasty. I am currently researching doctors in the area to find which ones seem to do the best work. I would like to know what type of results I can expect in order to go in informed when I speak with them. I am not looking for a dramatic makeover, just some refining of the nostril area. Can I do this with just a tip plasty?
(Questioner submitted photos)

Dr. Denenberg's answer: Your nose requires expert work on the tip. Be certain to see before and after photos
Hi. In many noses, work on the tip is most of the work that is done, so in your case there isn't really a meaningful difference between a "tip plasty" and a "rhinoplasty." See my "Web reference link for some morphs of your before and after photos.  You have strong tip cartilages that show left and right prominences on your tip. The cartilages also make the columella, the piece between your nostrils, droop some, and they hold the tip of your nose out away from your face. 

Your nose requires real expert work on the tip to correct these features. It's crucial that you see before and after photos of the patients of the doctor you are considering, where wide or prominent tips were corrected. This is not something that every plastic surgeon can accomplish, and a diploma won't give you the answer -- only seeing the doctor's other patients will tell you if he has the skill.

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